Thursday 11 August 2011


What scenes have stirred wonder and excitement in you?
Was it beauty amid the plain?
When the sunlight drew out an extra special scene
Did you find yourself living in a picture, a paradise come true
An oasis of colour when you felt you held your breath?
And did you wonder if  there could be a scene of greater beauty than this
Did you  stand and marvel at the glory of the scene and feel delight well up within
Did you feel excitent rouse; an ecstacy of pleasant feelings
Look, look, behold this country scene
you would have knocked on every door to implore others to see, to implore me
When the heavy shower clouds passed across the blue background with the sun shining brightly
When the full diversity and range of colours was seen; from intense black to brilliant white,
dark to light, dull to bright, red to violet,
All the contrasts, shades, shadows, vibrant
Were you thrilled by the rainbow hanging in the sparkling raindrops showering lightly down
Did you revel in the sunlight gleaming in the spiders silken threads spun across the grass stems
or lighting up a million dewdrops that hung from blades of grass?
Would you have stood to look for ever but had other things to do?
but did you quickly tire? It does not satisfy for long!
Is this how you felt when you saw such glory, such beauty?
So did I !

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